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Talent Fiesta 2019

Talent Fiesta 2019
All of us do not have equal talents, but all have the equal opportunity. Don Bosco School, Silchar organized the long awaited Annual Talent Fiesta 2019, the festival of talents from 17th- 20th July 2019. Realising that everyone is unique and has different talents and abilities, a variety of competitions were organized so that the talents could be showcased starting from rhythmic beats to the dances, the mesmerizing voices, and gifted hands of participants. The Talent Fiesta began with the inaugural ceremony with the lighting of the lamp followed by the dances which rejuvenated the minds of everyone. Rev. Fr. Surjit Tigga, the Vice-Principal motivated everyone with his encouraging speech giving emphasis on the importance of participation whether we win or lose. After the inaugural programme, the competitions were flagged off with the dances from the students of Classes IX and X. Classical as well as modern dances were performed. It was such an encouraging moment to watch the Bosconians performing so confidently. The next event that followed was the singing competition for classes XI and XII. Each singer had a unique and wonderful voice. Simultaneously, T-shirt painting for classes IX and X, Face painting for classes VII and VIII and card making for classes V and VI were organized.
On the following days, fancy dress, flower arrangement, T-shirt painting, Instrumental and Rangoli competitions were held. The face painting for classes IX, X, XI and XII was very creative and mind blowing. Flower arrangement was quite exquisite and Fancy dress competition was very glamorous. Each artwork revealed the amazing talents of the budding artists of our school and every competition was nail-biting till the end making it very difficult for the judges.
The last day started with a whole new level of excitement because of the long awaited performance from Class XII. It was a competition which excited and moved everyone because of the way the performers danced to the beats. The last day had some emotions in itself because everyone knew it was the last day and we would not get the moments back, the memories we made with each other. The bond grew stronger, made new friends and enjoyed the best days of school life. Every day was filled with new and amazing display of talents. The vibe all around was happy and too energetic. The Talent Fiesta 2019 was indeed a time for everyone to learn something new, create memories, gain confidence and most importantly to discover the hidden talents and come up next year with more hard work and developed skills.
(TahirNazar, Elena Phebe, XI)

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