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Buddha Purnima Observation at School 2023

Buddha Purnima is a sacred day in Buddhism, commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha. At our school, we observe this day with great reverence and respect, and this year was no exception. On this day, our school organized a special program to mark the occasion.

The day began with a prayer service, where students and teachers meditated and chanted Buddhist hymns. Our principal gave a speech on the life and teachings of Buddha, highlighting his message of peace, compassion, and non-violence. This was followed by a cultural program, where students performed dances and skits based on Buddha’s life and teachings.

The highlight of the day, however, was the talk given by our Vice Principal, Fr. Josh. He spoke about the importance of embracing diversity and respecting different cultures and religions. He urged the students to follow the teachings of Buddha and strive for inner peace and harmony.

Fr. Josh also welcomed the new students who had joined our school this year, and wished them success in their academic journey. He encouraged them to make the most of the opportunities that our school provides, and to work hard to achieve their goals.

The Buddha Purnima observation day at our school was a beautiful reminder of the values that we hold dear. It was a day to reflect on the teachings of Buddha, and to strive to become better individuals. Our Vice Principal’s talk was a wonderful way to kick off the new academic year, reminding us to be open-minded and welcoming to all. It was a day that will be remembered for years to come.

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